Buy it

270. Piers Sanderson

September 13th, 2011  |  Published in Backers


I have been watching this campaign and kept meaning to donate but didnt get round to it so was glad to get an opportunity to help this time. Record shops have a particular place in my heart – see below- and I think you have done really well in getting the finance you have, its an inspiring for myself and other film makers who are treading the less walked path of self finance.

Plus crowd-funding is the future for liberating filmmakers!
When i was 21, myself and two friends, opened a dance music record shop in Birmingham called Global Grooves. It was part shop, part cafe meeting place and part photographic gallery. It became the catalyst for Birmingham’s dance music scene and led to further ventures in clubs, bars and 3 record labels. After 6 years having great fun we admitted what we always knew that the shop was an expensive hobby and closed it down to concentrate on the parts of the business that were making money – the bars and restaurants. I sold the business in 2002 and now i am trying to make a living in what some people may call an even more expensive hobby – film making!

The first and last record I bought:
First – Ghost Town by The Specials
Last – Joan As A Police Woman – The Deep Field

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Glimmer Films in association with Sideshow present a film by Jeanie Finlay; SOUND IT OUT.

Over the last five years an independent record shop has closed in the UK every three days.

SOUND IT OUT is a documentary portrait of the very last surviving vinyl record shop in Teesside, North East England.

A cultural haven in one of the most deprived areas in the UK, SOUND IT OUT documents a place that is thriving against the odds and the local community that keeps it alive. Directed by Jeanie Finlay who grew up three miles from the shop.

A distinctive, funny and intimate film about men, the North and the irreplaceable role music plays in our lives.

High Fidelity with a Northern Accent.
